Maiden Voyage of the DLG-14 (my car)

(I bought a Ford Windstar to avoid renting one)

These pages are mostly for those of us who went, Dad & Betty, and Uncle Bob & Aunt Dorothy. All others feel free to browse our trip.

Things are semi-organized, I'm beyond just throwing pictures on,
so the tale is beginning to unfold...

At long last, we manage trip on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad

Left Delavan at 7 P.M. Spent the first night at GFred's in Chester.

Loading up at Chester

Friday we headed south to Murphysboro to pick up food at 17th St Barbeque.
Then on to Carbondale to lunch with and visit Dad & Betty.

My sister Mary Kendra & Son

That night, we crossed the Chester Bridge and the trip began in earnest.

Our first bit of Tourism occured in St. Genevieve, MO. Dawn had a book of haunted
places and an old French house there was supposedly haunted.

At La Maison Guibourd Valle' in St. Gen.

We arrived too late to tour. Dawn checks out the lovely couryard.

Friday the 13'th was a rough night on Interstate 70 crossing Missouri. Twice, traffic came to a halt for accidents along the road. We were happy to bridge the river into Kansas, and Saturday Morning.

A welcome breakfast stop at Colby Kansas.
Sunrise was upon us and Colorado was only moments away.

We stop by Chris's house in Denver.

Then on to Golden for the manditory stop at the Colorado Railroad Museum.

From Golden, we proceeded up Clear Creek Canyon and stopped for gas at Idaho Springs.

We stopped at Silver Plume for a Train Schedule, but never managed to ride
on the Georgetown Loop this trip.

Leaving Silver Plume, we encountered some wildlife.

Frisco at last, leaning over Ten Mile Creek.

For supper we finished the 17th Street barbeque and all slept for about 12 hours that night.

Next day we headed back to Denver to have lunch with Bob & Dorothy and family. Here, we're standing above a grassy field that used to be Dillon Resevoir Note the lack of snow on Ten Mile Peak in the background. That would change soon.

After this we went over Loveland Pass, watched the Georgetown Loop train from the scenic overlook and headed down into Denver to have lunch with Bob & Dorothy and family. I took lots of pictures of this event, many more at the Molly Brown House, lots at the Alpine Slide at Heritage Square in Golden, and finally a bunch of shots on Lookout Mountain above Golden as the Sun set.

However my stoopid 64 MB Lexar Media Compactflash card decided to go nuts and turn all the pictures of this day (and part of the next) into random garbage. From now on, I'm sticking with smaller flash cards (no Lexar) so all my eggs (pix) are not in one basket. (Note from 2007: Now of course I use a SanDisk 256)

So anyway, there's a gap in the record here. Maybe some of Dawn's film, when developed, can
fill some of the holes.

Saved By Dawn

You can see some water in the background

Dawn had me take this picture at Bob & Dorothy's place.

After the wonderful lunch with family, we headed into town to visit the Molly Brown House (another site in Dawn's haunted places book). Unfortunately, all my pix were garbled, and the only one Dawn took was all blurry (must have been the Ghost). The mansion pictured above was not far away and was also on the list of haunted places (something about dead babies).

All the good spots were taken by the time we reached the top of Lookout Mountain above Golden, but we visited Buffalo Bill's Grave and caught plenty spectacular views of the cities below at night. At one of the establisments up at the top, there was a wedding in progress with bagpipes providing the music.

Go on to Chapter 2 of this Trip

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This page updated Dec 14, 2007